Wessex ICS

The Bottom Line was created in 2014 to provide a compendium of all the landmark papers which are shaping the way we manage our critically ill patients. Our aim has always to ensure our site remained open access without the need for advertisements. After years of managing these costs by the founder members, we are very grateful to the Wessex Intensive Care Society support in providing an educational grant which will cover the important enhanced server costs for the site. The editorial team and authors continue not to receive any financial remuneration for their contributions.

Wessex is a region in England where the 3 founding members of The Bottom Line trained and currently continue to practice. Wessex Intensive Care Society is a not-for-profit unincorporated medical society. Its aim is to advance medical practice within intensive care units, support training and provide quality education through biannual meetings. Executive council positions are all unpaid, volunteer roles.

Details of the biannual meetings can be found here

If you want to come and work in Wessex please have a look at the hospitals within the region and contact the relevant departments here