Short Term Topical Tetracaine Is Highly Efficacious for the Treatment of Pain Caused by Corneal Abrasions: A Double Blind Randomised Clinical Trial
Shipman S et al. Ann Emerg Med. 2021; 77:338-344. doi:xxx]
Clinical Question
- In adults presenting to the ED with a corneal abrasion is topical tetracaine more effective than placebo to control pain at a 24-48 hour follow up appointment?
- Corneal abrasions are examined in ED after immediately alleviating pain with a topical anaesthetic, but patients are sent home with none after fears of complications
- Complications have been mainly reported in case reports and series and include corneal ulcerations, keratitis, hypopyon and delayed healing
- Despite this, various studies have suggested safety in topical anaesthetic use for 24-48hours
- No high quality studies looking at efficacy of corneal local anaesthetic use
- Prospective randomised double blind, placebo controlled trial
- Randomisation in a 1:1 ratio to receive tetracaine or placebo
- Concealed allocation by computer generated random number generator then sequentially numbered opaque sealed envelopes
- 60 patients per group would have a 95% power to detect a minimum clinical difference in pain scores of 1.5cm on a 10cm numeric rating scale (NRS)
- Single centre urban community ED in Oklahoma City (USA), that sees 86,000 patients a year
- Data collected Jan 2015- Sep 2017
- Inclusion:
- 18-80yrs old presenting with a corneal abrasion
- Exclusion:
- Contact lens wearers
- Previous corneal surgery on affected eye
- >36 hrs post injury
- Grossly contaminated FB/co-existing ocular infection
- Retained FB
- Penetrating eye injury
- Immunosuppression
- Allergy to study medications
- Inability to attend follow up
- Injury requiring urgent ophthalmology evaluation (large or complicated abrasions with visual loss, corneal ulcers or lacerations)
- Inability to speak fluent English or Spanish
- Baseline clinical and demographic characteristics (Tetracaine vs Placebo)
- Male: 61% vs 58%
- Median Age: 35 vs 38
- Baseline NRS pain rating: 7 vs 7
- Mechanism:
- Metalic FB: 14% vs 9%
- Other FB: 29% vs 25%
- Direct trauma: 17% vs 34%
- Unknown: 40% vs 32%
- Language spoken
- English: 97% vs 97%
- Spanish: 3% vs 3%
- Tetracaine 0.5%
- 1 drop every 30mins PRN for maximum 24 hours
- A single 2ml bottle
- A balanced artificial tear solution
- Trade name: Systane
- 1 drop every 30mins PN for maximum 24 hours
- 4 separate 0.5ml ampules
Management common to both groups
- All patients also given:
- Antibiotic drops mixture of polymyxin B/trimethoprim 2 drops 4 hourly
- A prescription for hydrocodone/paracetamol 7.5/325mg PRN for breakthrough pain
- Patients asked to record:
- Pain measurements on NRS before and 2mins after use of study drops
- Amount of hydrocodone taken between discharge and ED follow up
- All patients followed up at 24-48 hours by a blinded EM physician who:
- Examined under slit lamp looking for persistence/delayed healing or complications- if present referred to blinded study ophthalmologist
- Asked for an overall NRS score after using study drops
- Collected study drops at this appointment to prevent prolonged use
- All patients were asked to then be followed up with a blinded study ophthalmologist at 1 week
- Primary outcome: Overall NRS pain score measured at the patient’s initial ED follow up at 24-48hours was significantly lower in the tetracaine group
- NRS score 1 vs 8; difference of 7; CI 6-8; P<.001
- Change to NRS from baseline score:
- Tetracaine 6; 95% CI 5-7
- Placebo 0; 95% CI 0-0
- Secondary outcomes: Patients in tetracaine group ingested less hydrocodone then in placebo group
- 1 in tetracaine group vs 7 in placebo. Difference 6; CI 4-6
- Adverse effects between groups were non significant
- 3.6% in tetracaine group vs 11% in placebo. CI -2.9 to 18
- Number of patients with small residual corneal abraision at 24-48 hour follow up – no significant difference
- 18% in tetracaine group vs 11% in placebo. CI -6.4 to 20.4
Authors’ Conclusions
- Short term topical tetracaine is safe and efficacious as an analgesic for corneal abrasions, is associated with less hydrocodone use compared with placebo
- Randomised controlled
- Reasonable attempts to blind both patients and physicians involved
- Intention to treat methodology
- Despite single centre still has external validity
- No mention of how they selected patients, all physicians where trained to recruit which was possible 24/7 but no mention of whether all were assessed for eligibility i.e. likely convenience sample
- Blinding is limited given:
- Physician enrolling – tetracaine and placebo arm had different number of ampoules/bottles in envelopes ( 1 in tetracaine vs 4 in placebo). Envelope unlikely to fully mask this
- Patient- will be able to calculate if they had been allocated study group given they will recognise that tetracaine stings when first applied
- Only 20% in study arm and 18% in control attended 1wk follow up with ophthalmologist. Despite this:
- They did attempt to contact all that didn’t attend by either phone or searching local electronic records or both
- 95% in the study arm and 93% control arm did attend the 24-48hr ED follow up where the necessary primary outcome data was collected
- Secondary endpoint of adverse effects:
- May lack reliability as description of healing corneal abrasion is subjective. Physician initially assessing is likely to be different to physician reviewing at ED follow up
- No standardised approach thus difficult to ensure consistency of results.
- This study is not powered for safety
- Registered on only after study had been completed
The Bottom Line
- This study indicates tetracaine is more effective in providing analgesia compared to commonly used alternative- artificial tears with a significant difference in NRS scores at 24-48hours. This specific study has not been powered for safety and should not be used for this. Other studies have however shown safety for short term use
- As a result of this combined information I will selectively start prescribing topical tetracaine for patients with simple uncomplicated corneal abrasions that I am confident will follow advice on use being short term only
External Links
- [article] Short-Term Topical Tetracaine Is Highly Efficacious for the Treatment of Pain Caused by Corneal Abrasions: A Double-Blind, Randomized Clinical Trial
- [further reading] Waldman: Topical Tetracaine Used for 24 Hours Is Safe and Rated Highly Effective by Patients for the Treatment of Pain Caused by Corneal Abrasions: A Double-blind, Randomized Clinical Trial
- [further reading] A Prospective, Randomized, Double-masked Trial to Evaluate the Role of Topical Anesthetics in Controlling Pain after Photorefractive Keratectomy
- [further reading] REBELEM: Corneal Abrasions and Short-Term Topical Tetracaine
Summary author: Halah Zareian @DocHZ
Summary date: 3/3/21
Peer-review editor: David Slessor
Image by: Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay