Association between day and time of admission to critical care and acute hospital outcome for unplanned admissions to adult general critical care units: cohort study exploring the ‘weekend effect’
Arulkumaran N, Harrison DA, Brett S. Br. J.Anaesth. (2016) doi: 10.1093/bja/aew398 First published online: December 7, 2016
Clinical Question
- In patients who are unplanned admissions to critical care, does the day and time of admission to critical care influence acute hospital mortality?
- Critically ill patients may present at any time of day, thus critical care unit staffing levels and resources should be adequate throughout a 24 h period, weekends, and holidays
- It is imperative to ascertain whether out-of-hours services are adequate to cover emergency care without any adverse impact on outcome for patients
- Retrospective cohort study
- Data collected from UK Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC) Case Mix Programme (CMP) database – a mandatory national audit collecting data on admissions and outcomes in all critical care units in the UK
- Specialist units (neuro, cardiac) and standalone HDUs excluded
- Each day divided into “routine hours” (0800-1759) and “out of hours” (1800-0759)
- Any missing physiological data presumed normal
- Potential confounders identified a priori and adjusted for in analysis:
- Age
- Severe conditions in past medical history
- Prior functional dependency
- Number of days from hospital admission to critical care admission
- location before admission
- CPR in 24 hours prior to critical care admission
- Primary reason of admission to critical care
- Acute severity of illness score (ICNARC and APACHE scores used)
- Statistical Analysis:
- 3 multilevel logistic regression models used:
- Unadjusted with single covariant of day/time of admission
- Adjusted model adjusting for key potential confounders:
- Adjusted model including delay/no delay covariate
- 216 General/mixed Intensive Care Units in the UK that submitted data for the ICNARC CMP
- April 1 2013-March 31st 2015
- Inclusions:
- Age >16
- Unplanned ICU admission
- Exclusions:
- Planned ICU admission (including post theatre, transfers and repatriation)
- Readmissions – only the first episode was counted
- Organ donation
- Missing data (primary outcome or key confounders)
- 300,469 admission screened, 195,428 included in final analysis
- Baseline characteristics:
- mean age of patients admitted was 60 yr
- mean APACHE II score of 17
- Approximately one-quarter of patients had some degree of prior dependency
- Overall, 4% of patients received in-hospital CPR during the 24 h before admission and a further 4% had out-of-hospital CPR
- The greatest proportion of patients was admitted with a primary respiratory pathology (25.5% of all admissions)
- No significant differences between the two cohorts seen in any of the major criteria, including age, severity of illness, and co-morbidities
Weekend days cohort
- Day of admission analysis: Patients admitted on Saturday or Sunday
- Time of admission analysis: During routine working hours (0800-1759) and out of (1800 0759)
Week days cohort
- Day of admission analysis: Patients admitted on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday
- Time of admission analysis: During routine working hours (0800-1759) and out of (1800 0759)
- Primary outcome:
- Total ICU mortality: 18.8%
- Total hospital mortality: 26.6%
- Using Monday as reference day, no significant difference seen between odds of admission out of hours or at a weekend in adjusted analysis (P value =0.61)
- Secondary outcome:
- 8,295 (4.2%) patients experienced a delay (documented decision to admit to time of admission) of at least 1 hour prior to admission to ICU. 2,097 (1.1%) had delay >4hrs
- Both groups associated with an increased risk of death (OR 1.08 for < 4hrs, 1.17 for >4 hrs, P=0.04)
- Adjusting to account for delay did not change lack of effect of day/time of admission
- 8,295 (4.2%) patients experienced a delay (documented decision to admit to time of admission) of at least 1 hour prior to admission to ICU. 2,097 (1.1%) had delay >4hrs
Authors’ Conclusions
- After risk adjustment using detailed clinical data, there was no difference in acute hospital mortality for unplanned admissions to ICU between weekdays and weekends, or daytime and nighttime
- A small proportion of patients experienced delays in admission to ICU and this was associated with an increased risk of death
- Important clinical question
- Large detailed database with very little missing data
- Multi centre
- Detailed risk adjusted analysis performed, with confounders identified a priori
- Secondary analysis also an important clinical question
- Registered on
- Study design can only demonstrate association, and not causation
- Significant heterogeneity exists between size and staffing of units in the ICNARC CMP – this would affect the internal validity of the data
- Does “delayed admission” include transport time, or time spent in radiology?
- “Delayed admission” is a complex entity which may or may not include delays in treatment – this could not be commented on in the study
- It may be the effect of delayed admission was actually a delay in getting essential treatments (antibiotics, cardiovascular resuscitation etc)
- Limited external validity – this study may not be relevant to non-UK institutions, with different staffing and bed availability
The Bottom Line
- This article did not show an association between date and time of admission and increased mortality, but showed an association between delayed admission to ICU and increased mortality
- I will try to ensure that patients who require critical care receive the appropriate treatment in the appropriate place as soon as possible
External Links
- [article] Association between day and time of admission to critical care and acute hospital outcome for unplanned admissions to adult general critical care units: cohort study exploring the ‘weekend effect’
- [Further reading] Increased mortality associated with weekend hospital admissions: a case for expanded seven-day services?
- [Further reading] Association between time of admission to the ICU and Mortality: A systematic review and Meta-analysis
- [Further reading] Increased mortality associated with after-hours and weekend admission to intensive care: A retrospective analysis
- [further reading] Weekends affect mortality risk and chance of discharge in critically ill patients: a retrospective study in the Austrian registry for intensive care
- [further reading] Nighttime Intensivist Staffing and Mortality among Critically Ill Patients
Summary author: Segun Olusanya
Summary date: 7th February 2018
Peer-review editor: Adrian Wong
Additional editing: Steve Mathieu