Emergency Evidence Updates – October 2023
Randomised Controlled Trials
Impact on all-cause mortality of a case prediction and prevention intervention designed to reduce secondary care utilisation: findings from a randomised controlled trial Emergency Medicine Journal
Point-of-care ultrasound-guided versus standard reduction of displaced distal radius fractures in the emergency department: a randomised controlled clinical trial Emergency Medicine Journal
SPICED RCT: Success and Pain associated with Intravenous Cannulation in the Emergency Department Randomized Control Trial The Journal of Emergency Medicine
The Effect of Stress Ball Use Applied by Emergency Nurses During Swabbing Procedure on the Pain and Fear Levels of Children Admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Service With the Suspicion of COVID-19: A Randomized Controlled Trial Journal of Emergency Nursing
Ultrasound Directed Reduction of Colles’ type distal radial fractures in ED (UDiReCT): a feasibility randomised controlled trial Emergency Medicine Journal
Other Guidance/Reports
Definition of factor Xa inhibitor–related, life-threatening gastrointestinal bleeding and guidance on when to use reversal therapy: A Delphi panel Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open
Diagnosis and management of traumatic rectal injury: A Western Trauma Association critical decisions algorithm The Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery
PIER Guidelines
- Management of Sick Day Episodes in Children and Young People Treated with Regular Glucocorticoids (Replacing Sick Day Telephone Advice for Children at Home Taking Regular Oral Corticosteroids)
- Toxic Shock Syndrome in Paediatric Burns
- Debrief Tools
- Clinical Responsibility for Patients Within the Emergency Department (October 2023)
- Pharmacists & Pharmacy Services in the Emergency Department (October 2023)
- Invasive Procedures in the Emergency Department (October 2023)
- Providing Patient Information in the Emergency Department (October 2023)
- Acute Behavioural Disturbance in Emergency Departments (October 2023)
Cerebrolysin for acute ischaemic stroke
Immediate versus delayed versus no antibiotics for respiratory infections
Primary Research
Assessment of frailty by paramedics using the clinical frailty scale – an inter-rater reliability and accuracy study BMC Emergency Medicine
Competence of UK paramedics in performing standard paramedic skills Journal of Paramedic Practice
Do EMS Physicians Delay On-Scene Times for HEMS Crews? Prehospital Emergency Care
Does the Location of Endotracheal Intubation Affect the Success of Airway Management in a Helicopter Air Ambulance Service? A Simulation Study Air Medical Journal
Factors Associated With Early Discharge in Pediatric Trauma Patients Transported by Rotor: A Retrospective Analysis Air Medical Journal
Head injury in older adults presenting to the ambulance service: who do we convey to the emergency department, and what clinical variables are associated with an intracranial bleed? A retrospective case–control study Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Impact of a ground intermediate transport from the helicopter landing site at a hospital on transport duration and patient safety Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Induction of pre-hospital emergency anaesthesia i-PHEA: a national survey of UK HEMS practice BMC Emergency Medicine
Mass casualty triage: using virtual reality in hazardous area response teams training Journal of Paramedic Practice
Overcoming distance: an exploration of current practices of government and charity-funded critical care transport and retrieval organizations Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Patient factors associated with conveyance decision-making by Emergency Medical Services professionals in patients with a syncope: a cross-sectional factorial survey design BMC Emergency Medicine
Prehospital factors associated with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest outcomes in a metropolitan city: a 4-year multicenter study BMC Emergency Medicine
Prehospital Management of Penetrating Neck Injuries: An Evaluation of Practice Air Medical Journal
Prehospital tracheal intubations by anaesthetist-staffed critical care teams: a prospective observational multicentre study British Journal of Anaesthesia
Raring to go? A cross-sectional survey of student paramedics on how well they perceive their UK pre-registration course to be preparing them to manage suspected seizures BMC Emergency Medicine
Sky-High Safety? A Qualitative Study of Physicians’ Experiences of Patient Safety in Norwegian Helicopter Emergency Services Journal of Patient Safety
A Nationwide Study of Emergency Nurses’ Triage Decisions for Potential Acute Coronary Syndrome Journal of Emergency Nursing
A Qualitative Study of Racial, Ethnic, and Cultural Experiences of Minority Clinicians During Agitation Care in the Emergency Department Annals of Emergency Medicine
Benchmarking blood culture quality in the emergency department: Contamination, single sets and positivity Emergency Medicine Australasia
Changing culture: An intervention to improve blood culture quality in the emergency department Emergency Medicine Australasia
Compass for antibiotic stewardship: using a digital tool to improve guideline adherence and drive clinician behaviour for appendicitis treatment in the emergency department Emergency Medicine Journal
Frailty Knowledge, Use of Screening Tools, and Educational Challenges in Emergency Departments in Ireland: A Multisite Survey Journal of Emergency Nursing
Left with a Sisyphean task – the experiences of nurse practitioners with treating non-suicidal self-injury in the emergency department: a descriptive qualitative study BMC Emergency Medicine
Outcome of severely injured patients in a unique trauma system with 24/7 double trauma surgeon on-call service Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Teledermatology in an emergency department: benefits and gaps BMC Emergency Medicine
Variability in Interpretation of Echocardiographic Signs of Tamponade: A Survey of Emergency Physician Sonographers The Journal of Emergency Medicine
What impact would reducing low-acuity attendance have on emergency department length of stay? A discrete event simulation modelling study Emergency Medicine Journal
Emergency department presentations for chest complaints after mRNA COVID-19 vaccinations in children and adolescents Emergency Medicine Australasia
Factors contributing to uncertainty in paediatric abdominal ultrasound reports in the paediatric emergency department BMC Emergency Medicine
Improving clinical competence with LGBTQ+ patients in the paediatric emergency department: an education intervention study Archives of Disease in Childhood
Presence of alcohol and other drug use within youth mental health presentations to the emergency department: A single-site retrospective observational study Emergency Medicine Australasia
Procedural sedation programme minimising adverse events: a 3-year experience from a tertiary paediatric emergency department Archives of Disease in Childhood
Qualitative Point-of-Care Ultrasound Enema Management for Constipation Pediatric Emergency Care
Risk Factors and Management Outcomes in Pediatric Epistaxis at an Emergency Department The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Tracking Staff Mood and Concerns in a Pediatric Emergency Department During the COVID-19 Pandemic Journal of Emergency Nursing
A Rare Case of Page Kidney in a Young Man with Flank pain The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Age in addition to RETTS triage priority substantially improves 3-day mortality prediction in emergency department patients: a multi-center cohort study Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
An evaluation of the NEWS2 and the laboratory data decision tree early warning score in predicting mortality in geriatric patients The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Are there differences in the relationship between respiratory rate and oxygen saturation between patients with COVID-19 and those without COVID-19? Insights from a cohort-based correlational study Emergency Medicine Journal
Developing an implementation intervention for managing acute vertigo in the emergency department Emergency Medicine Journal
Do we need standardized management after termination-of-resuscitation attempts? Autoresuscitation in a 67-year-old woman Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Ebstein-Barr in a patient presenting with right upper quadrant pain- A case report from the emergency department The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Establishing the core elements of a frailty at the front door model of care using a modified real-time Delphi technique BMC Emergency Medicine
Incidental Diagnosis of Left Pneumothorax Using a New Variant of the Lung Point Sign during Cardiac Ultrasound The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Is the clinical frailty scale feasible to use in an emergency department setting? A mixed methods study BMC Emergency Medicine
Monocular Painless Partial Vision Loss: Multipurpose Utility of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Emergency Department The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Multi-centric study for development and validation of a CT head rule for mild traumatic brain injury in direct oral anticoagulants: the HERO-M nomogram BMC Emergency Medicine
Proarrhythmic changes in human cardiomyocytes during hypothermia by milrinone and isoprenaline, but not levosimendan: an experimental in vitro study Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
Prospective study of pain and patient outcomes in the emergency department: a tale of two pain assessment methods Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not: a curious case of chest pain The Journal of Emergency Medicine
Summary author: Rebecca Howes @ClinicalLibsPHU
Summary date:
Picture by: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash