Emergency Evidence Updates – March 2023

Randomised Controlled Trials


Acceptability of multiple coated mini-tablets in comparison to syrup in infants and toddlers: a randomised controlled study  Archives of Disease in Childhood

Sodium chloride or plasmalyte-148 for patients presenting to emergency departments with diabetic ketoacidosis: A nested cohort study within a multicentre, cluster, crossover, randomised, controlled trial  Emergency Medicine Australasia


Acute kidney injury QS76

COVID-19 rapid guideline: managing COVID-19 NG191

Type 1 diabetes in adults QS208

Type 2 diabetes in adults QS209

Other Guidance/Reports

Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound Stewardship – A Joint Position Paper by EuSEM and EFSUMB and Endorsed by IFEM and WFUMB  European Journal of Ultrasound

Rapid Tranquilisation of the Paediatric Patient – Updated​  PIER

The European guideline on management of major bleeding and coagulopathy following trauma: sixth edition  Critical Care


Ultrasound and shockwave therapy for acute fractures in adults

Ultrasound‐guided arterial cannulation in the paediatric population

Primary Research


An Observational Study and Analysis of Current Pediatric Ambulance Transport Practices  Pediatric Emergency Care

Did lockdown influence bystanders’ willingness to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation? A worldwide registry-based perspective  Resuscitation

Impact of the route of adrenaline administration in patients suffering from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest on 30-day survival with good neurological outcome (ETIVIO study)  Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine


Equivalence of the top-down manoeuvre and bottom-up manoeuvre in speed and accuracy of identifying the cricothyroid membrane: a prospective randomised cross-over study  BMC Emergency Medicine

Implementing a Human Trafficking Educational Module and Protocol in the Emergency Department  Journal of Emergency Nursing

Introducing a Digital Occupational Violence Risk Assessment Tool Into an Emergency Department: A Pilot Implementation Study  Journal of Emergency Nursing

Meeting Patients Where They Are: A Nurse-Driven Quality Improvement Project to Provide Influenza Vaccinations in the Emergency Department  Journal of Emergency Nursing

Point-of-care neutrophil CD64 as a rule in diagnostic test for bacterial infections in the emergency department  BMC Emergency Medicine


A Quest for Better Strategy in Pediatric Intraosseous Placement Using Radiographic Measurements in Patients Younger Than 2 Years  Pediatric Emergency Care

Adolescent and Caregiver Perspectives on Living With a Limb Fracture – A Qualitative Study  Pediatric Emergency Care

Do We Need a Strictly Lateral Radiograph for Fracture Management of Forearm Buckle Fractures in Children?  Pediatric Emergency Care

High-flow oxygen therapy in moderate to severe bronchiolitis: a randomised controlled trial  Archives of Disease in Childhood

Leukocytosis and C-Reactive Protein Levels as Indicators of Infection in Children With Diabetic Ketoacidosis  Pediatric Emergency Care

Low yield from imaging after non-E. coli urine tract infections in children treated in primary care and emergency department  Archives of Disease in Childhood

Navigating the unknown: understanding and managing parental anxiety when a child is ill  Archives of Disease in Childhood

Negative Appendectomies: Evaluating Diagnostic Imaging Techniques at General versus Pediatric Emergency Departments  The Journal of Emergency Medicine

Optimal Dose of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine for Laceration Repair in Children: A Phase II Dose-Ranging Study  Annals of Emergency Medicine

Postintubation Sedation Practices Within Multiple Emergency Departments Across a Large Pediatric Health Care Organization  Pediatric Emergency Care

Serum-integrated omics reveal the host response landscape for severe pediatric community-acquired pneumonia  Critical Care

Setting the Stage: Innovation in Port Access Education for Pediatric Emergency Nurses  Journal of Emergency Nursing

The physiologic response to epinephrine and pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation outcomes  Critical Care

The “Syringe Hickey”: An Alternative Skin Marking Method for Lumbar Puncture  The Journal of Emergency Medicine


Bougie-Facilitated Tamponade Balloon Placement for Massive Esophagogastric Variceal Hemorrhage: A Case Series and Novel Procedural Technique Description  The Journal of Emergency Medicine

Characteristics of rib fracture patients who require chest computed tomography in the emergency department  BMC Emergency Medicine

Comparison of Intubation Conditions Between Airtraq, McGrath Video Laryngoscopes, and Macintosh Under Conditions of Simulated Trauma Airway and Rapid Sequence Induction Intubation  The Journal of Emergency Medicine

Development and External Validation of the International Early Warning Score for Improved Age and Sex Adjusted In-Hospital Mortality Prediction in the Emergency Department  Critical Care Medicine

Evaluating the impact of a pulse oximetry remote monitoring programme on mortality and healthcare utilisation in patients with COVID-19 assessed in emergency departments in England: a retrospective matched cohort study  Emergency Medicine Journal

Left-ventricular unloading in extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation due to acute myocardial infarction – A multicenter study  Resuscitation

Red cell distribution width and mortality in older patients with frailty in the emergency department  BMC Emergency Medicine

SOFTLY: Comparison of outcomes of rigid versus soft collar during emergency department investigation for potential cervical spine injury in low-risk blunt trauma patients – A pilot study  Emergency Medicine Australasia

Stercoral Colitis in the Emergency Department: A Retrospective Review of Presentation, Management, and Outcomes  Annals of Emergency Medicine

Successful Glenohumeral Shoulder Reduction With Combined Suprascapular and Axillary Nerve Block  The Journal of Emergency Medicine

The relationship of ADHD and trauma mortality: An NTDB analysis  Trauma

Use of Needle Guide for Dynamic Real-Time Ultrasound-Directed Aspiration of Peritonsillar Abscess in the Emergency Department: A Case Series  The Journal of Emergency Medicine


Summary author: Rebecca Howes @ClinicalLibsPHU
Summary date:
Picture by: Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash

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