Short-term vs Conventional Glucocorticoid Therapy in Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease The REDUCE Randomized Clinical Trial
JD Leuppi. JAMA 2013; 309(21): 2223-2231. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.5023
Clinical Question
- Is short-term (5 days) systemic glucocorticoid treatment in patients with COPD exacerbation as good as conventional (14 days) treatment in clinical outcome and does it decrease the overall exposure to steroids?
- Randomised
- Multi-centre
- Placebo-controlled
- Double-blind
- Non-inferiority
- 5 teaching hospital Emergency Departments in Switzerland
- March 2006 to February 2011
- Inclusion
- Exacerbation of COPD as defined as 2 of the following
- Change in baseline dyspnoea
- Cough
- Change in sputum quantity or purulence
- Age over 40
- Smoking history of 20 pack years or more
- Exacerbation of COPD as defined as 2 of the following
- Exclusion
- History of asthma
- FEV1:FVC ratio > 70% (evaluated by bedside post bronchodilator spirometry prior to randomisation)
- Radiological diagnosis of pneumonia
- Estimated survival of less than 6 months due to severe co-morbidities
- Pregnancy or lactation
- Inability to give written consent
- ++ already on steroids not an exclusion
- 717 patients assessed, 314 randomised
- 15% absolute difference defined as threshold for non-inferiority
- 40mg of intravenous methylprednisolone on day 1
- 40mg of oral prednisolone from day 2 to day 5.
- Placebo day 6 to 14
- 40mg of intravenous methylprednisolone on day 1
- 40mg of oral prednisolone from day 2 to day 14.
All patients in both group also received a 7 day course of broad-spectrum antibiotics as well as standard nebulised and inhaled bronchodilators plus inhaled glucocorticoids
- Primary outcome: No significant difference in exacerbation rates during the 6 month follow up period
- 35.9% in 5-day group vs 36.8% in the 14-day group
- Secondary outcomes: No significant difference in:
- All cause mortality
- Clinical outcomes (dyspnoea questionnaire)
- Change in FEV1
- Need for mechanical ventilation (intubation or non-invasive ventilation)
- Subjective outcomes
- Patient reported overall performance
- Clinical performance
- Complications of steroids
- Glucocorticoid-associated adverse effects
- Hyperglycaemia
- Hypertension
- Newly diagnosed infection
- Other potential glucocorticoid-related adverse events
- Significant reduction in mean cumulative corticosteroid dose in intervention group (379mg vs 793mg)
Authors’ Conclusions
- In patients presenting to the emergency department with acute exacerbations of COPD, 5-day treatment with systemic glucocorticoids was non-inferior to 14-day treatment with regard to re-exacerbation within 6 months of follow-up but significantly reduced glucocorticoid exposure. These findings support the use of a 5-day glucocorticoid treatment in acute exacerbations of COPD.
- Study population reflective of the type of patient we see
- Randomised, blinded, placebo-controlled
- Explanation for use of intravenous methylprednisolone provided (to facilitate administration of glucocorticoids to patients in distress)
- Non inferiority trial – not powered to detect difference in treatment groups
- Standard treatment (including antibiotics) for all COPD patients regardless of infective cause or degree of COPD severity (although trial population had higher rate of severe/very severe spectrum of COPD).
- Only followed up for 6 months
- 40 mg methylprednisolone is equivalent to 50mg prednisolone but further titration would have proved difficult
The Bottom Line
- It has always been my practice to prescribe short courses of steroids in COPD exacerbations and this study reinforces it.
External Links
- [open access pdf of article] The REDUCE Randomized Clinical Trial
- [Editorial] Sin. Steroids for Treatment of COPD Exacerbations. Less is clearly more
Summary author: @avkwong
Summary date: 12th August 2014
Peer-review editor: @stevemathieu75